@article{oai:nsg.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003402, author = {米林, 喜男 and Yonebayashi, Yoshio}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟医療福祉学会誌, 1346-8774}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), 保健・医療・福祉専門職の数は一部の職種を除けば、今なお増えつづけている。中でも医師の増加は著しいものがある。こうした保健・医療・福祉専門職の量的拡大に対して、その質の向上が問題とされるようになってきた。医師をはじめとする保健・医療・福祉専門職には、知識と技術と態度の3つがバランスよく備わっていることが求められているが、これら3つの要素のうち、職業的態度の醸成が不十分な場合が少なくない。この職業的態度の醸成がなければ、保健・医療・福祉専門職間の連携もうまくいかない。職業的態度の醸成は保健・医療・福祉専門職としてのプロフェッショナリズムを涵養していくことにもなる。本論では、医師をはじめとする保健・医療・福祉専門職の意識と行動を、各専門職間の連携にふさわしい形に変えていくためには、遠回りのようであってもやはり教育しかないということについて論じ、Problem Based Leaning という新しい教育技法についても言及した。, The number of medical and welfare personnel is still increasing (except for those working in some occupational categories). Among them, the increase in the number of doctors is especially notable. But while the number of welfare and medical care personnel has increased, the problem of how to improve the quality of their service delivery has emerged. While these personnel are required to have a good balance of knowledge, skills and attitudes, it has been seen that one of these three elements has suffered, that of professional attitude. If these personnel are not adequately trained to acquire and maintain professional attitude, the result will be inefficiencies and poor coordination among these personnel. This paper points out that, even though it may be a somewhat roundabout means, overall, education is the sole most important factor to change the attitude and behavior of welfare personnel, including physicians. Indeed, education can best contribute to shaping optimal coordination among welfare personnel. This paper also discusses Problem-Based Learning.}, pages = {3--14}, title = {保健・医療・福祉専門職の現状と課題}, volume = {4}, year = {2005} }