@article{oai:nsg.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003443, author = {押木, 利英子 and 山崎, 明 and 永山, 善久 and 青木, さつき and 成田, 奈美子 and Oshiki, Rieko and Yamazaki, Akira and Nagayama, Yoshihisa and Aoki, Satuki and Narita, amiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟医療福祉学会誌, 1346-8774}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), 出生体重や在胎期間などの出生時の条件や子どもの数、母親の学歴などの生育環境が、小学校就学時IQの規定因子になりうるのかについて検討した。対象は、平成5年12月から平成8年7月に、新潟市民病院新生児医療センターで出生、または搬送入院して生存退院し、小学校就学時にIQ検査が施行できた極低出生体重児91名である。方法は、就学時IQと出生時の条件や生育環境に関する項目についてT検定を行って統計的有意差を判定し、考察を加えた。その結果出生体重1,000g未満と在胎週数28週未満という条件が小学校就学時におけるIQの規定因子となった。しかし、生育環境との検定では有意差は認められなかった。そこで、出生時の条件を出生体重l,000g未満に限定した場合、生育環境の「子どもの数」「母親の学歴」が規定因子という結果を得た。, We have studied the environmental condition during child, such as the number of children and mother's educational background, for who born with low birth weight could influence their IQ at an elementary school admission. Ninety one children born in or transferred to the neonatal care center of Niigata city general hospital with less than 1,500 gm. between 1993 and 1998 were subjected to this study. Their IQ was measured at admission to elementary school and the relationship between the condition at their birth and the environment during their growth and development were investigated through t test and/or less than 28 weeks of fetus period was a regulatory factor towards IQ at the age of admission to elementary school.}, pages = {83--87}, title = {極低出生体重児の就学時における知的発達の検討 : 就学時IQと出世時および生育環境の関係の検討}, volume = {3}, year = {2003} }