@article{oai:nsg.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003444, author = {田島, 崇博 and 牧田, 光代 and Tajima, Takahiro and Makita, Mitsuyo}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟医療福祉学会誌, 1346-8774}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), 急速な高齢化が進む我が国では,社会保障制度の見直しにより,高齢者ケアの重点は施設中心から在宅へと移行してきている。施設と在宅の中間的施設である介護老人保健施設(以下,老健施設)は急激な増加を続け,理学療法士(Physical Therapist : 以下,PT)が活躍する場の一つとして注目される。そこで,総合ゼミへの参加を通して老健施設におけるPTの役割を調べた。その結果,(1)身体機能の把握(2)家屋状況の適応(3)他職種との連携(4)チームでの統一した目標設定とアプローチ(5)社会資源の活用の5項目が挙げられた。複合的なニーズをもつ対象者に対し,PTも幅広いアプローチが必要である。, Fast increase of the alders in Japan forces the society to review social security system and the care of senior citizens by shifting from care-house to at own home-care in majority. A role of physical therapists in welfare facilities for aged persons has been examined by participating a combined seminar and the results obtained from that as summarized as following five items, namely, evaluation of physical function of patients, adaptability to the home environment, corporation with specialists in related areas, establishment of the team's target and approach method and use of available social resources. For the older persons with complex needs, physical therapists must apply various and broader approach.}, pages = {92--95}, title = {介護老人保健施設における理学療法士の役割 : 総合ゼミを通して}, volume = {6}, year = {2006} }