@article{oai:nsg.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003452, author = {相場, 恵美子 and Aiba, Emiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟医療福祉学会誌, 1346-8774}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), 脳損傷により,失読失書,純粋失読,純粋失書といった読み書きの障害が生ずることが知られている。これらの障害に関するこれまでの神経心理学的知見を概観し,読字と書字のそれぞれにおける特徴を述べた。漢字と仮名という2種類の文字体系を持つ日本語においては,脳損傷による読み書き障害に欧米語圏とは異なる特徴が見られる。これらを解釈する上で有用と思われる,漢字と仮名の処理様式の解離を示唆する知見を提示した。漢字の処理に関しては左右半球および左半球内での二重処理が示唆されている。また,近年提唱されている読みに関する認知心理学的モデル(二重処理モデル,トライアングルモデル)を紹介し,表層性失読/深層性失読といった神経心理学的知見との整合性について述べた。さらに,書字に関するモデルを紹介し,書字遂行時の心的過程について,文字形態表象の関与を中心に述べた。最後に,書字過程の研究における今後の課題を述べた。, Brain damage sometimes causes reading and writing disorders, or alexia and agraphia. This report briefly reviewed several important neuropsychological findings and cognitive-psychological models of reading and writing. The Japanese writing system is characterized by the hybrid use of kanji and kana characters, giving rise to some distinctive differences between alexia/agraphia of Japanese and that of Euro-Americans, especially with respect to the double dissociation of kanji and kana, on the other hand, reading and writing, on the other. To interpret this dissociation, it is suggested that double-route processing, either between two cerebral hemispheres or only within the left hemisphere, is involved in kanji processing. Recently, some cognitive-psychological models of reading have been proposed, for example dual-route processing model and the triangle model. These models successfully simulate surface and deep dyslexia, and also can explain normal reading processes as well. Skilled writing processes were also investigated, in order to reveal the importance of visual word form, and some issues warranting further research for writing were also given.}, pages = {111--118}, title = {失読・失書の認知モデル}, volume = {2}, year = {2001} }