@article{oai:nsg.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003478, author = {古西, 勇 and 高木, 昭輝 and 黒川, 幸雄 and Konishi, Isamu and Takagi, Akiteru and Kurokawa, Yukio}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟医療福祉学会誌, 1346-8774}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), 増え続ける理学療法学生のため臨床実習先を見つけるのは教育機関にとって圧倒的な負担となっている。この問題を解決するため、臨床実習の位置づけを見直すことが急務となっている。本研究の目的は、臨床実習に臨むに当って理学療法学生が備えていることを臨床実習指導者が期待する基準を明確にし、学生の臨床実習を通しての変化をそれらの基準から検討することである。前年度の3年生の臨床実習評価表を分析し、基準となる項目を上げた。それに基づき「知識・表現力・問題解決能力」「態度・性格・情緒面」「対患者関係」「評価実行力」の4分類36項目のアンケートを作成した。このアンケートを用いて、現在の3年生の自己認識のレベルを調査した。回答は、0(全くない、全くできない)~10(充分にある、充分にできる)までの整数の自己評価として、臨床実習前と終了後のデータをWilcoxon signed-ranks test(両側検定)を用いて比較した。有意水準は5%とした。50名分の有効回答があった。4分類に亘る11項目が臨床実習前後で有意に変化した。「知識・表現力・問題解決能力」の3項目、「態度・性格・情緒面」の2項目、「対患者関係」の1項目が低下していた。上昇した項目は「対患者関係」で3項目と最も多く、「態度・性格・情緒面」と「評価実行力」の各1項目でも上昇が見られた。, Background and purpose With the increase in the number of undergraduate Physiotherapy students, the placement for their clinical training is an overwhelming burden for educational institutions. To find the solution, there is the urgent need to review the significance of the clinical training. This study aimed to identify standards criteria that clinical educators consider important for their Physiotherapy students to possess, and to identify the criteria such students change their perceived-level through the clinical learning experiences. Method Evaluation sheets for the previous third-year students were analyzed to categorize appropriate groups of items for the standards criteria. Based on the criteria a 36-item questionnaire was formulated. The items were classified into four large criteria consisted of knowledge, ability to express oneself and to solve problems, attitude, character and emotional aspect, relationship with patients and ability to carry the assessment of patients. The present third-year students were surveyed with this questionnaire. They were asked to indicate the grade (as one of 0-10 integral numbers) that they perceived to be suitable for their abilities/qualities for each item prior to and after their clinical training period. The data were compared by means of Wilcoxon's signed-rank test (two-sided). We considered P<0.05 as significant. Findings Fifty students were eligible for the assessment. Eleven items over the four large criteria changed significantly through their clinical training period. Three items from the knowledge, ability to express oneself and to solve problems criterion, two items from the attitude, character and emotional aspect criterion and one item from the relationship with patients criterion decreased. The most common one with items increased through the clinical training was the relationship with patients criterion. Three items from the criterion increased, together with one item from the attitude, character and emotional aspect criterion and another item from the ability to carry the assessment of patients criterion. Conclusions The standards criteria seems to reflect the important aspects of the abilities/qualities clinical educators consider important for their Physiotherapy students to possess.}, pages = {54--58}, title = {臨床実習を通しての理学療法学生の認識レベルの変化}, volume = {5}, year = {2005} }