@article{oai:nsg.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003480, author = {工藤, 由理 and 佐藤, 厚 and 今村, 徹 and Kudo, Yuri and Sato, Atsushi and Imamura, Toru}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟医療福祉学会誌, 1346-8774}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), 頭部外傷は若い生産年齢層に多く,社会的にもそのリハビリテーション(以下リハビリ)に期待がもたれている。回復期以後,日常生活動作に問題がない症例でもいわゆる高次脳機能障害(認知障害,行動障害,感情障害など)が残ることがある。我々は,交通外傷による高次脳機能障害例に対する1年間のリハビリの経過を述べながら,認知リハビリについて考察した。従来の医学的リハビリにおける狭義の認知リハビリに加えて,本人の障害への自覚を促し,意欲を引き出すこと,家族障害への理解を含めた環境調整を行うことなどが就業までのリハビリに有効であった。認知リハビリでは,個々の症状,病期に応じた個別の様々な方法を取り入れる必要があると思われた。, From the result that traumatic brain injury strikes most frequently in young productive adults, rehabilitation to those patients is more expected. In many cases, they have problems of higher brain function, even though they can do all their ADL activities just like before the injury. We reported one case of cognitive rehabilitation who was an eighteen years old man getting traffic accident and considered what approaches ware effective as his cognitive rehabilitation. Adding to the cognitive training for his dysfunction, the recognition of his own disability, pulling out of his volition and an environmental arrangement containing family's understanding of his disability ware effective in his rehabilitation for work. It is necessary to use various methods for cognitive rehabilitation depending on each severity or the period of injury.}, pages = {9--15}, title = {頭部外傷後の高次脳機能障害に対する認知リハビリテーションについて : 交通外傷後の高次脳機能障害例からの考察}, volume = {6}, year = {2006} }