@article{oai:nsg.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003961, author = {菅野, 靖子 and 村山, 伸子 and Kanno, Yasuko and Murayama, Nobuko}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟医療福祉学会誌, 1346-8774}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), Objective of this study is to examine the impact of an experience of cultivation of one kind of vegetables on vegetable consumption for preschool children of 4-years old. We selected “eggplant” as one of vegetables. The study design was pre-post study design. We compared amount of consumption of “eggplant” and “other vegetables” at kindergarten and at home, between before and after an experience of vegetable cultivation at kindergarten. The subjects were 32 preschoolers aged 4-years old in one kindergarten at Niigata city. The intervention was consisted of eggplant cultivation, harvesting, cooking and eating during May to July in 2010. Before and after the intervention, amounts of leftover of 2 kinds of eggplant dishes and other 2 vegetable dishes at lunch in the kindergarten were weighed. The questionnaire surveys were conducted for caregivers to evaluate the consumption of vegetables of preschoolers at home. The results revealed significant increase of amount of consumption for 2 kinds of eggplant dishes at lunch in the kindergarten after intervention. We could not compare consumption of other vegetable dishes clearly, because the kinds of those dishes were different. Significant difference was not found for consumption of eggplant dishes at home. These results suggested the impact of cultivation of one kind of vegetables on the consumption of the vegetable, which is cultivated by the children, at lunch in the kindergarten. However, our data could not suggest impact on consumption of other vegetables at lunch in the kindergarten and impact on consumption of the vegetable at home., 本研究では、幼稚園の4歳児における園内での単独の野菜栽培体験は、幼稚園給食及び家庭食の野菜摂取に影響を及ぼすのかを検討するとともに、野菜摂取の影響は、栽培した野菜だけに見られるのか、栽培をおこなっていないその他の野菜にもみられるのかを検討することを目的とする。単独の野菜として「なす」をとりあげた。前後比較デザインを用いた。対象は新潟市内の1幼稚園の4歳児38人。介入は平成22年5月~7月に、「なす」の栽培、収穫、調理、摂取をおこなった。介入前後に幼稚園給食で前後同一の「なす」料理2種、前後で異なる通常給食の副菜2日分の残食調査をおこなった。家庭での野菜摂取等は保護者への質問紙調査で把握した。その結果、1)幼稚園給食では、「なす」料理は事前に比べて事後で摂取量が有意に多かった。「なす」以外の通常給食の副菜2日分については、料理の種類が異なるため、比較はできなかった。2)家庭で「なす」料理が出されたときに「食べる」4歳児の割合は、事前と事後で有意差はみられなかった。幼稚園の4歳児が、幼稚園で2ヶ月間、単独の野菜栽培体験をすることで、栽培をおこなった野菜については、幼稚園給食で摂取量が増加することが示唆された。しかし、他の野菜の摂取、家庭での野菜摂取に影響を与えるかどうかを明らかにすることはできなかった。, 症例・事例・調査報告}, pages = {64--69}, title = {幼稚園の4歳児における単独の野菜栽培体験が野菜摂取に及ぼす影響}, volume = {11}, year = {2011} }