@article{oai:nsg.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004062, author = {泉, 良太 and 佐野, 哲也 and 小河内, 寛子 and 山内, 克哉 and 美津島, 隆 and Izumi, Ryota and Sano, Tetsuya and Shyoukouchi, Hiroko and Yamauchi, Katsuya and Mizushima, Takashi}, issue = {4}, journal = {作業療法, 0289-4920}, month = {Aug}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), 今回,我々は心電計を用いて骨格筋の活動電位に基づくbiofeedback(以下,BF)を行い,十分なBFの効果が得られた.心電計を用いたBFは,筋電計を用いた場合に比べ感度は若干低下し(心電計は筋電図および基線動揺などの除去のためのフィルタ設定があり,検出対象の信号の大きさが異なるため{EMG:0.01~10mV,ECG:1mV程度}),視覚のみのfeedbackとなるが,病院には常備されており操作法も簡便である.今回,腕神経叢損傷患者,肘関節術後患者,ジストニア患者に対し,心電計を用いてBFを行い,ほぼ満足できる結果が得られたので報告する., This study investigates the effectiveness of using electrocardiographs for biofeedback (BF) after elbow joint surgery in patients with brachial plexus injuries and dystonia. We examined the usefulness in rehabilitation of the new method of electromyographic BF by comparison with electrocardiography. We found that the limitations of BF by using electrocardiography as compared with electromyography are 1) lower sensitivity, and 2) a limitation to only visual BF. The advantages of electrocardiography include the prevalence of electrocardiographs in almost every hospital over electromyographs, and its ease of operation.}, pages = {411--415}, title = {心電計を用いた上肢訓練のための筋電biofeedbackの新しい方法}, volume = {27}, year = {2008} }