@article{oai:nsg.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004214, author = {佐藤, 成登志 and 地神, 裕史 and 島田, 雄司 and 山本, 智章 and Sato, Naritoshi and Jigami, Hirohumi and Shimada, Yuuzi and Yamamoto, Noriaki}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟医療福祉学会誌, 1346-8774}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), Out of 70 to 80% of the total population of the world who have experienced at least ones in their life time low back pain, 85% of cases are not suitable for surgery. The causes of the pain vary, including those derived from the spine’s soft tissue myofascial uni, neurological disorders, visceral diseases, vascular diseases or those of psychogenic origin. Among those causes many are of myofascial in origin. For example, psoas major muscle, which originates from the axis of the body, or lumbar spine which passes through the anterior pelvis and the femur which is attracting a lot of attention as it is an important muscle for maintaining posture or walking. The purpose of this study was twofold. Firstly, with the help of an MRI,we examined the characteristics of the psoas major muscle of lumber pathology on 38 healthy female subjects. Then through an MRI we examined 16 females in the healthy group. We have measured the cross sectional area of psoas major muscle of the superior border of the fourth lumbar spine. In addition, we measured transverse and longitudinal diameter. The result showed that the sum of the cross sectional area of psoas major muscle was significantly smaller in the lumbar pathology group as compared to the healthy group. Furthermore, there were no significant differences within the subjects of lumbar pathology group. Moreover, there were no significant differences between the left and the right side of the transverse diameter. We noticed that the cross sectional area of psoas major muscle in the lumbar pathology group was significantly smaller than in the healthy group. However, whether the cross sectional area of psoas major muscle was affected by low back pain, or the dysfunction of muscular atrophy of the psoas major muscle was the cause of back pain were not included in this study., 世界の全人口の70~80%は一生に一度は腰痛を経験しており、この内85%は明らかな原因がなく、手術適応のない非特異的腰痛である。その原因は、脊柱由来のもの、筋・筋膜などの柔部組織由来のもの、神経疾患由来のもの、内臓疾患由来のもの、血管疾患由来のもの、心因性由来のものなど、多岐に渡っている。その内、大半を占めるのが筋・筋膜性由来の腰痛である。特にその中でも、大腰筋は、体の軸となる腰椎から骨盤の前面を通って大腿骨に付着し、姿勢保持や歩行などの動作時に重要な筋として注目されている。本研究の目的は、腰部疾患例と健常者の大腰筋を比較することによって、その特性を明らかにすることである。対象者は、腰痛によりMRIを撮影した女性腰部疾患群38例と女性健常者群16例とした。MRI画像上の第4腰椎上縁の大腰筋横断面積を測定した。さらに、横径および縦径も測定した。その結果、腰部疾患群は、健常者群より大腰筋横断面積の総和が有意に小さかったが、腰部疾患群間での有意な差はなかった。また横断面積の左右差、横径および縦径の左右差においては、有意な差はなかった。我々は、腰部疾患群が健常者群より有意に大腰筋横断面積が小さいことを明らかにした。しかし、腰痛が原因で大腰筋横断面積が減少したのか、大腰筋の機能不全や筋萎縮が腰痛を引き起こしたのかは、本研究では特定できなかった。}, pages = {2--7}, title = {MRIを用いた女性腰部疾患例における大腰筋特性}, volume = {13}, year = {2014} }