@article{oai:nsg.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004731, author = {梶原, 洋生 and Kajiwara, Yousei}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟医療福祉学会誌, 1346-8774}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), 日本では、1946年1月21日に総司令部覚書「日本に於ける公娼制度廃止に関する件」が発せられ、1946年11月26日には、厚生省社会局長通知の「婦人保護要綱」が発出された。しかし、のちに「売春防止法」が成立したのは1956年5 月21日のことだったので、この立法過程は概ね11年間にも及んだことになる。そこで、国政の難航を横目に各自治体は国とは別に対処を講じたものと考え、「売いん」等に係る条例の制定はどのような動向であったかを明らかにする。とりわけ、1946年から1957年までの期間に着目し整理を図ることとした。「売いん」等に係る条例は一定の時期に集中しており、戦後の悲哀を背負った条例制定論争が各地で広がった。女性の救済は社会的課題とされ、国法による生活保障が不可欠となり、その法整備の一環として各地的な条例の制定という議論の機運も全国に生まれた。これらの側面が合わさって、日本の一つの時代が形作られた。, The Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers Directive (SCAPIN) was issued on January 21, 1946, in Japan. Subsequently, the head of the Social Bureau of the Ministry of Health and Welfare issued the memo Fujin hogo yōkō (Guidelines for the Protection of Women) on November 26, 1946. However, the Anti-Prostitution Law was not passed until May 21, 1956, and thus the legislative process leading up to its establishment took almost 11years to complete. It seems that each municipality responded in its own separate way to the law, in view of difficulties applying such a policy on a national scale at the time. Against this background, the present paper seeks to clarify the tendencies in the enactment of prostitution-related regulations, focusing on the period between 1946 and 1957. The regulations were concentrated in this specific period, during which discussions on the legal clampdown on prostitution spread throughout a Japan burdened with the grief of the war. In this way, women’s relief finally became a social issue, and the provision of social assistance through national law became indispensable. Considering that the momentum of systematic debates on the clampdown on prostitution was operating nationwide as part of a larger body of social legislation, it has been believed that such a momentum led to shaping this period of Japanese history. Therefore, this paper is intended as a report on the establishment of bylaws to clamp down prostitution in Japan, from the perspective of the historical context of the period 1946-1957.}, pages = {44--50}, title = {「売いん」等に係る条例の制定 : 1946年から1957年までの整理}, volume = {18}, year = {2019} }